Yegor KazarinFeb 6SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENTThe Ethics of International Anti-Doping Agencies and the Case of Kamila ValievaCredit: Министерство спорта Республики Татарстан | Wikimedia Commons Kamila Valieva, the Russian figure skating phenomenon, was thrust...
Robert Weeks, Jason Cowan, Erick Arevalo, and Lea CraseNov 21, 2023P.I.R.G.Can Private Tech Companies be Targeted Under International Humanitarian Law?Credit: Starlink I. Introduction There has been an observed shift in governments utilizing private-public partnerships for...
Andrey Volkov and Samuel Plante; Edits: Dea SulaSep 5, 2023ARTCreativity Finds A Way: Russia's Movie Theater Survives Hollywood Boycott Thanks To Parallel ImportMoscow Cinema Oktyabr© Svetlov Artem, used under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic On February 24, 2022,...
Erik Echeona, Renato Oyarzun, Marlene Sawhill, Angie WongSep 29, 2022CORPORATE & SECURITIESTaking the Fiscal Reigns: OECD Global Tax PlanThe growth of multinational corporations (MNCs) into economic superpowers has a tremendous impact on international tax rates.